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  1. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Another treasonous conservative/Republican method of operation is to demand do as I say not as I do.

    Dan Crenshaw sends mail-in ballot applications to voters after Texas banned the practice for local election officials

    Alexa Ura, The Texas Tribune
    January 27, 2022

    Dan Crenshaw. Facebook campaign page

    U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Houston, is taking heat this week for sending out campaign mailers containing unsolicited mail-in ballot applications to voters who are 65 and older.

    Last year, Texas Republicans in the Legislature passed an elections law that banned local election officials from that very same practice under the banner of protecting election integrity. However, the law made an exception for candidates and political parties to continue the practice, which has long been a popular get-out-the-vote tactic typically employed by both parties, but especially by Republicans.

    Democrats this week said Crenshaw’s mailer highlights hypocrisy in the new voting law and shows that Republicans who railed against vote-by-mail expansion efforts last year were only concerned about the ways it could benefit Democrats. Crenshaw’s mailer includes a prefilled mail-in application and instructions that tell the recipient to “simply sign, stamp, and mail” it and to “be sure to vote for Dan Crenshaw” when the ballot comes.

    “The hypocrisy here is absurd,” said Chris Hollins, the former Harris County Clerk, who inspired the provision in the Texas legislation because of a hotly contested plan to send mail-in ballot applications to all of the county’s registered voters during the pandemic. “Voting by mail is a safe way that is utilized for people to exercise their right to vote. … We should be promoting the right to vote by mail for all those who are eligible, not making it illegal to inform voters of their right.”

    The Texas voting law — which Republicans passed after Democrats walked out on bill negotiations twice contains several measures that restrict the expansion of voting by mail, in addition to banning 24-hour early voting and drive-thru voting. The law, which went into effect last month, creates a state jail felony penalty for local election officials — but not politicians or other third parties in the voting process — who send applications for mail-in ballots to voters who don’t request them.

    Justin Discigil, Crenshaw’s campaign spokesperson, said sending unsolicited applications is normal practice, and the campaign did it in 2020. Asked how Crenshaw’s support of mail-in voting for candidates squares with the new Texas law, Discigil distanced Crenshaw from the Texas Legislature.

    “That was a state Legislature decision. …” Discigil said. “Dan did not write the bill.”

    But Crenshaw has been a strong supporter of the voting law, defending it on Twitter and criticizing Democrats who have characterized it and similar rules in other states as voter suppression.

    In a 2020 interview with The Texas Tribune, Crenshaw likened expansion of voting by mail to “playing with fire” and said that it could increase voter fraud, raising concerns about states such as Nevada that have more expanded mail-in ballot options than Texas.

    Discigil said Crenshaw’s criticism of mail-in ballots applies to states other than Texas that provide insufficient safeguards for voter integrity. Crenshaw said during the interview that the mail-in ballot process in Texas — which requires identification and an application for the absentee option — was fine.

    Crenshaw’s 2020 comments came at a time when Texas Republican leadership resisted expanding vote-by-mail eligibility during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people sought to vote through absentee and nontraditional methods more than normal.

    State Rep. Briscoe Cain, R-Deer Park, a co-sponsor of the GOP elections bill, defended the use of politicians sending applications for mail-in ballots despite making it illegal for local officials to do the same.

    “It is my understanding that rural counties did not and do not have the resources to send out unsolicited applications,” Cain said. “That section helps bring equity and uniformity to our election laws.”

    Cain did not respond to a follow-up question about whether the provision addressed voter fraud, which Republicans said the law would prevent during the debate over its passing. There has been no evidence nationwide or in Texas of widespread voter fraud.

    The law’s restriction on sending unsolicited applications takes aim at an initiative spearheaded in 2020 by Hollins, whose plan to send mail-in ballot applications to all of the 2.4 million registered voters in his jurisdiction during the pandemic was stopped by the all-Republican Texas Supreme Court.

    Hollins said he believes the law targets election officials — especially those in large cities — since they’ve increasingly invested in efforts to increase voter turnout, which favors Democrats in urban areas.

    “They’ve done the math, and they’ve determined that in those larger cities and counties, the votes are less likely to go their way,” Hollins said. “Every single thing that they’re doing is not about American democracy.”

    As Texas heads into primary election season, local election officials have rejected hundreds of mail-in ballot applications because the new law requires a state identification number, like a driver’s license or a partial Social Security number, on the form. These numbers must match information in the state voter registry, or the application can be rejected.

    State Rep. Jessica González, a Democrat from Dallas and vice chair of the House Committee on Elections, also said Crenshaw’s use of the mailers was hypocritical, especially since he has supported former President Donald Trump, who falsely claimed that mail-in ballots were less secure than voting in person.

    “This shows that they don’t want Democrats to vote,” González said, noting that allowing local elections officials to send mail-in ballot applications to registered voters doesn’t target one party over another. “They’re not basing that off of what political party you belong to. When you allow elected officials or candidates to do that, they only want to be able to target people from their party.”

    González, one of the Democrats who fled to Washington, D.C., during this year’s Legislative sessions to block passage of the bill, said this provision of the new law particularly impacts Texans who have disabilities or may not otherwise know about their voting options.

    This article originally appeared in The Texas Tribune at https://www.texastribune.org/2022/01/26/dan-crenshaw-texas-mail-in-ballot-voting-law/.

    The Texas Tribune is a member-supported, nonpartisan newsroom informing and engaging Texans on state politics and policy. Learn more at texastribune.org.

  2. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
  3. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    OAN Newsroom
    UPDATED 1:21 PM PT – Wednesday, January 26, 2022

    The Supreme Court of Alaska upheld a new election system after an unsuccessful attempt to block it. The new system eliminates the need for party primaries and replaces them with one single primary in which all candidates will appear on a ballot regardless of party affiliation. The state will then select the winner of the general election through ranked choice voting.

    “First of all, it repealed Alaska’s closed political primaries where we had a Democratic and Republican primary and created one primary election, where all the candidates appear and every voter gets that ballot,” explained Scott Kendall, a lawyer and author of “Changes.” “You choose your favorite and then the top four finishers for each office move on to the general election. And then the general election, the election is conducted via what we call ranked-choice voting.”

    In a ranked-choice voting system, voters will rank the candidates by preference on their ballots with the candidate who receives a majority of the first preference votes being declared the winner. If none of the candidates wins a majority of first preference votes, the one with lowest percentage will be eliminated with the voting starting over. This cycle will repeat until a candidate wins an outright majority.

    Despite being upheld by the Alaskan Supreme Court last week, the new system has been met with mixed reactions. Bob Bird, the chairman of the Alaskan Independence Party, is among the critics of ranked choice voting.

    “First of all, the mistake we make is that to allow the state to pay for and conduct the primaries,” he stated. “Primaries should be a private event.”

    Supporters of the new system claim that it prevents the two major political parties from acting as gatekeepers and giving independent politicians a chance to win. Chief among those who support the new system is Fair Vote CEO Rob Richie. This non-partisan organization is dedicated to election reform.

    “From our perspective, ranked -choice voting as an important piece of that reform is this change that I think is the fastest growing reform in the country, working in both red and blue states and I think does great things for voters,” said Rob Richie.

    Ranked-choice voting is still experimental in the state with many critics warning that it won’t work as voters intend. Alaska will be using the new system in its upcoming primary election.

    In his New York Times profile of FairVote co-founder Steven Hill, Scott James called FairVote a "left-wing group".[49] Other writers have claimed that many FairVote policies, such as IRV, are popular in "liberal enclaves"[50] and supported by "populist groups" such as Common Cause, an advocacy organization,[51] and thus give the group a liberal tilt.[52] Louis Jacobson, a writer for Roll Call, argues that any group supporting the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will be perceived as liberal-leaning because of Democratic frustration with the Electoral College after the 2000 Presidential Election.[53] But Rob Richie, FairVote's president, has said, "[FairVote] is definitely not a Democratic stalking horse."[54] In addition, FairVote points to John Anderson, who was president of the organization's first advisory board and a current member of the Board of Directors, who ran for President as an Independent in 1980. In fact, before Anderson ran for President, he was a Republican Congressman from Illinois.
  4. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Take note of all the Russian false propaganda that proves treasonous conservative/Republicans love Putin/Russia far more than the United States of America which they want to be a shit hole country run by a mad king traitorous dictator.

    But the walls are closing in on their Chosen One traitor.

    Trump’s 'sociopath' legal defense falls apart under black letter law: former DOJ official

    Bob Brigham
    January 27, 2022

    Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian

    The question of criminal intent underlying Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election was analyzed in a new column by former Deputy Attorney General Harry Litman.

    "Many experts doubt the ultimate ability of the criminal justice system to convict Donald Trump because it’s possible he really believed he’d won the election," Litman wrote in the Los Angeles Times. "If he is so much of a sociopath that he believes his own Big Lie (or, to state it with the sort of constitutional precision utterly foreign to him, there is a reasonable doubt whether he has that belief), could he wriggle out of culpability? He can’t — or he shouldn’t. Intent in a criminal case depends on the defendant’s state of mind about a specific criminal act, not an overall state of affairs. That’s 'hornbook law' — so basic it doesn’t require citation for law students."

    Litman, a professor at UCLA School of Law, examined Trump's "infamous shakedown telephone call" with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger which is being investigated by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

    "If a jury believes he believes it, will they let his strong-arming slide? Trump’s claim that he won Georgia is wholly implausible — it runs against not just the weight of the evidence but the entirety of the evidence. But a jury need not decide he was lying to convict him of election fraud in Georgia," he explained. "If Willis’ case comes to trial, the jury would be instructed that the intent requirement is fulfilled if Trump wanted Raffensperger to tamper with the vote count, which is a felony. Even if the then-president was certain he was justified, he is no less guilty."

    WATCH: Civil war expert recoils in horror at interviews with Trump fans: 'They don’t want democracy anymore'

    Litman explained the same defense would also fail for the 59 Trump supporters who signed fraudulent electoral college certificates.

    "What about state of mind here? Did those who signed the documents lack criminal intent because they “really believe” they were legitimate electors? It doesn’t matter.
    Even if each of the elector charlatans was possessed of the firmest of convictions that Trump had won their state, their attestation that they were 'duly' qualified is still false," he explained. "Their culpability for creating a false document with the intent of committing fraud would be unchanged by their subscription to the Big Lie."

    On Tuesday, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco suggested DOJ has "ongoing investigations" into the fake elector scheme.

    "For those who think Trump always knew that the Big Lie was just that, the prospect of his eluding justice by claiming he really believed it would be the last refuge of a scoundrel. But never fear. It turns out that it’s no refuge at all," Litman wrote.

    Read the full report.

    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    A legal Commentator Litman wants to be a psychologist now?...that's solid .


  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The Wisconsin Republican party is tearing themselves apart from the inside out between the treasonous conservative/Republicans backing all Trump's big lies and the saner more establishment Republicans. And the establishment is saying right now the crazies are winning. But even though they are detached from reality reality is still coming to bear when the DOJ shows up investigating seditious conspiracy.

    But that still gives them plenty of time to make laughable fools of themselves.

    'Fairly pathetic': Wisconsin Trump supporters duped by 'plain unconstitutional' effort to revoke Biden’s electoral votes

    Meaghan Ellis, AlterNet
    January 27, 2022

    (Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

    A right-wing publication has released a report perpetuating falsehoods about the 2020 presidential election and ecstatic Trump supporters are buying into the story. However, there's just one problem: the claim in the report never actually happened.

    According to Buzzfeed, The Gateway Pundit's story, which was published on Tuesday, January 25, claimed the Wisconsin State Assembly had voted unanimously "to withdraw the state’s 10 electors" that President Joe Biden received following the election.

    The report pointed to a bill sponsored by Rep. Timothy Ramthun (R-Wisc.), a right-wing lawmaker who has publicly supported former President Donald Trump's claims of election fraud. On Tuesday, Ramthun presented his bill "as a privileged resolution" that the Assembly will respond to. However, the bill was passed on to the Rules Committee and Rep. Jim Steineke (R-Wisc.) has made it clear the bill will go no further.

    Shortly after Ramthun's attempt to present the bill, Steineke confirmed the bill would fall flat. “Not only is it illegal, it’s just plain unconstitutional,” he tweeted. “As chair of the Rules Committee, there is ZERO chance I will advance this illegal resolution. #EndofStory.”

    Speaking to Buzzfeed, Rep. Mark Spreitzer (D-Wisc.) revealed Ramthun attempted to try another procedural tactic to obtain a vote on his bill after it was forwarded to the Rules Committee, but that effort also produced no results.

    “I think the Ramthun supporters who were watching sort of missed the part where his resolution was already long gone and we were back onto the bill at hand. And they heard everybody say ‘Aye,’ and they're like, ‘Wow, we just passed the resolution,’” Spreitzer said. “But, no, we passed a totally unrelated bill that we started debating before Ramthun did all of this.”

    Spreitzer pointed out while Republicans criticize Rahmthun's bill, they've also spent a substantial amount of money in support of election audits. In addition to conducting their own audit, they tapped a former justice whose beliefs align with theirs.

    “They don't actually believe that the election was stolen, or that there was widespread fraud, and that's of course why they aren't going to support Ramthun. ... But they're absolutely fueling the very people who are behind Ramthun’s effort by their refusal to just come out and say, ‘We had a free and fair election. Joe Biden won. There was no widespread fraud.’ So they’re trying to have it both ways,” he said.

    Spreitzer also noted that Ramthun's backers "think he did something pretty heroic."

    “For those of us who understood what was going on, it was sort of a fairly pathetic gesture,” Spreitzer said, “but I think he managed to pull the wool over the eyes of his fan club, and they think that he really accomplished something.”

    Although The Gateway Pundit's report has been updated, Buzzfeed notes that it still does not point out that there was never a unanimous vote for state electors to be withdrawn. Instead, there is a footnote at the bottom of the report that reads, “This post has been updated as we gathered more information from our many sources.”

    • Like Like x 1
  7. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    • Like Like x 1
  9. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Wis. speaker pushes bill to add more drop boxes

    OAN Newsroom
    UPDATED 7:27 AM PT – Thursday, January 27, 2022

    Some Wisconsin Republicans are pushing to add more drop boxes throughout the state. One America’s Christina Bobb has more on the election integrity efforts.


  10. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Which is a bad thing right allowing poor people to vote.

    Perhaps working families to vote and of course all those black people.

    Fucking holocaust day and you peddle this tripe!

    Slave owners and land owners only right?

    • Like Like x 1
    1. ace's n 8's
      G'mornin' tourist....shhhhh, you'll wake the neighbors with all your barking.
      ace's n 8's, Jan 28, 2022
      shootersa likes this.
  11. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Mo. Rinos try to push a new election map that favors the left


    OAN Newsroom
    UPDATED 6:55 AM PT – Wednesday, January 26, 2022

    Redistricting has been a hot topic in the state of Missouri. Former Missouri governor and U.S. Senate candidate Eric Greitens says the new maps are significantly skewed to favor the Democrats. One America’s Christina Bobb talks with Greitens about what a fair map would look like in Missouri.

    1. anon_de_plume
      Yeah, right. That's a load of bull! Just offering his opinion like it was fact!
      anon_de_plume, Jan 28, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Well of course exposing a treasonous conservative/Republican fraud can't be allowed.

    Cyber Ninjas CEO says he won't turn over records from election 'audit' in 'contentious' deposition: report

    Matthew Chapman
    January 28, 2022

    Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan. (Screen cap)
    On Friday, The Arizona Republic reported that Doug Logan, the CEO of the Florida-based security firm Cyber Ninjas, refused to turn over records from his company's GOP-backed partisan "audit" of ballots in Maricopa County during a deposition this week.

    "Logan answered questions during a contentious deposition with attorneys for The Arizona Republic and American Oversight," reported Ryan Randazzo. "The news organization and the left-leaning nonprofit have battled in court for months for the release of texts, emails and other documents related to the ballot recount and related investigations of the 2020 election ordered by Republicans in the Arizona Senate."

    Cyber Ninjas' election investigation, which was ordered by the GOP-controlled Arizona Senate and partially taxpayer funded, pursued a number of wild conspiracy theories, including searching for bamboo fibers in ballots to try to prove they were Asian forgeries, and demanded access to public equipment that police warned could compromise law enforcement. Even some Trump supporters, like local talk radio host Mike Broomhead, went on to pan the audit as a "clown show."

    "Logan said Hannah's November order to the company to turn over records was the result of a 'biased judge,' according to [Arizona Republic attorney Craig] Hoffman," continued the report. "Logan went on 'long soliloquies' during the deposition on how he did not believe his company was obligated to turn over records because they should not be public, Hoffman said."

    READ: This West Point professor used to idolize Robert E. Lee – then he learned the terrible truth about the cruel enslaver

    This comes as Cyber Ninjas announces it is shutting down and laying off all its workers — citing, in large part, the $50,000 a day contempt of court fine for refusing to turn over the documents at issue in the dispute.

    "Logan's lawyer has said he is the 'former' CEO of Cyber Ninjas, but a document his lawyers sent the Senate this week still describes him as president of the board of the company," said the report. "Logan testified that money coming in from the sale of Cyber Ninjas’ assets has been used to pay its subcontractors, not set aside for paying for a review of its audit-related documents. Cyber Ninjas’ emails and Microsoft Teams messages are backed up on a server, and Logan said he is committed to pay to maintain that server even as Cyber Ninjas winds down, Hoffman said."

    Ultimately, the audit did not come up with evidence to support former President Donald Trump's claims the election was stolen — and actually purported to find more ballots for President Joe Biden that had not been counted.

    1. anon_de_plume
      And why? Is he hiding more votes for Biden?
      anon_de_plume, Jan 28, 2022
  13. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    59 Republican lawbreakers.......sorry lawmakers facing over the fake electors scam.

    I am sure they will be thrilled to know they have the support of certain members on xnxx who think certain laws should not be applied or at least not be applied to them!

    • Like Like x 3
    1. View previous comments...
    2. silkythighs
      Yes but when the trumplican party takes congress. There will be no one to defend the constitution. It'll just be whatever Trump dictates, will then become law. Even when it means subverting all future elections.
      silkythighs, Jan 29, 2022
    3. anon_de_plume
      Wish I could say I disagree with you. But yes, Republicans are working hard to subvert elections. Hell, they've even passing laws that only apply to candidate that run at a local level. They can't send it applications to vote by mail, but national candidate still can. Republican know that voting by mail works, but they only want Republicans to be able to take advantage of those loopholes.
      anon_de_plume, Jan 29, 2022
    4. shootersa
      The despicables need to be careful.

      Its one thing to spew propaganda for public consumption but quite another when you start believing your own lies.
      shootersa, Jan 29, 2022
    5. anon_de_plume
      Which lies?
      anon_de_plume, Jan 29, 2022
    6. ace's n 8's
      shootersa, that train has already left the depot....character, integrity, common sense, critical thinking is not a trait of a hack fuck.
      ace's n 8's, Jan 29, 2022
      shootersa likes this.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Conspiracy theory-spewing Trump supporter accused of breaking into community center to access voting machines

    John Wright
    January 28, 2022

    A person wears a QAnon sweatshirt during a pro- Donald Trump rally on Oct. 3, 2020, in the borough of Staten Island in New York City. - Stephanie Keith/Getty Images North America/TNS
    A Trump supporter who falsely claimed she was working for an “Election Integrity Commission” allegedly broke into a Michigan community center and tampered with a voting machine in January 2021.

    Tera Jackson, 56, of Petoskey, is facing charges of common law fraud and aiding and abetting the unauthorized access of a computer,the Petoskey News-Review reports.

    A warrant for Jackson's arrest was issued in March, and she was apprehended in October. However, the newspaper didn't report her arrest until Friday — more than a year after the incident — because reporters were unable to obtain information about the investigation from the Emmet County Sheriff's Department.

    After being tipped off about Jackson's arrest by a third party last week, the newspaper obtained a charging affidavit by filing a public records request.

    READ MORE: January 6 Committee subpoenas Trump official who attended key meeting the day before MAGA riots: report

    "The affidavit for Jackson’s case said she believed there was widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, and that she had been tasked with the assignment of retrieving the information stored on Cross Village Township’s machine. The sheriff’s department investigation determined that not to be the case," the newspaper reported. "Multiple conspiracy theories and inaccuracies spread following the 2020 presidential election, particularly online, and former President Donald Trump has continued to cast doubt on the validity of the results."

    A Facebook page belonging to Jackson shows she was an ardent supporter of the former president and posted conspiracy theories related to the election.

    According to the affidavit, Jackson had contacted a local computer technician, Allan Coveyou, and told him she was a member of the Election Integrity Commission, which does not exist. Jackson claimed she was working to retrieve data from voting machines across the state. She said the voting machine in Cross Village Township was the only one in the state from which data hadn't been retrieved, due to the lack of Internet service in the area. But she claimed that the data needed to be "cloned" quickly because it would soon be wiped clean.

    Jackson asked Coveyou to meet with Cross Village Township Trustee Howard Wood to retrieved data from the machine.

    Trustee Wood reportedly requested that Diane Keller, the township clerk for Cross Village, meet him at the community center on Jan. 14, 2021, so that he and Coveyou could access the machine. According to Keller, Wood did not tell her why he wanted her to meet him. Keller said Wood arrived with two other men who were wearing bulletproof vests, with one of them carrying a gun.

    "She said Wood claimed they were there to do a 'forensic audit' of the election equipment, and asked to be let in to the storage room — at which point, they found the door had already been tampered with," the newspaper reported. "Diane Keller said her cellphone was out of battery, but that she encouraged the others to call the police. They said they would after they retrieved the data they needed, according to her."

    According to the affidavit, Coveyou said even though the community center appeared to have been broken into, he proceeded to remove a computer from inside the voting machine.

    "Mr. Coveyou said that when he looked at the computer, it contained a special USB connector which he did not have," the affidavit states. "Mr. Coveyou said the screw on the computer had been stripped. Given all this information, Mr. Coveyou said the police were called to investigate a possible break-in."

    Jackson later told a sheriff’s investigator that “there was data on a satellite owned by Vatican City which would prove voter fraud had occurred in the United States.” Jackson added that “until this information could be obtained from a satellite, she needed to rely on information saved on voting machines." Jackson claimed she worked for a "Data Integrity Center," but she said the organization was so secretive that it would not confirm her employment.

    The township is now faced with having to replace the voting machine at a cost of $3,000, which is a significant expense given its small budget.

    Keller, the clerk, and her brother, Stephen Keller, who serves as township supervisor, said they just learned of Jackson's arrest this week.

    “I mean, if it was just that someone, you know, kids broke in and messed with stuff in the (township) hall, people wouldn't be concerned,” Stephen Keller told the newspaper. “But people are concerned when it appears that someone was trying to tamper with election results, which I mean, that brings it up a whole level above people just messing around, and beyond just a simple breaking in.”

    “I think it feels like there needs to be some push to further the investigation,” Stephen Keller added. “Because a year is a really long time for what looks like a pretty simple, simple case. But yeah, again, I'm not a cop. I'm not a policeman, so I don't you know.”

    Sheriff Pete Wallin told the newspaper that "no further investigation was occurring," and he doesn't expect additional arrests.

    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. hannahsbigdaddy
      Call my posts spam I'll start calling Rawstory spam. See how that works?
      hannahsbigdaddy, Jan 29, 2022
  15. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    1. stumbler
      Fortunately for you the rule against spamming obviously don't apply to you and your buddies.
      stumbler, Jan 29, 2022
    2. hannahsbigdaddy
      It's not spamming. It's called truth. Which you know nothing about. Report me for spam big guy. If that's what you think it is hahaha. We all should start reporting you for misinformation and Rawstory bullshit.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Jan 29, 2022
    3. hannahsbigdaddy
      And it's a story from ABC news your friend David Muer the Trump Hater personally talked about this story. Just because you didn't read it doesn't make it spam. But you don't like the truth so I don't expect you to read it. Only claim it's spam and false like always.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Jan 29, 2022
  16. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    Fake electors supeonaed, should lots of fifth amendment lol!

    • Like Like x 1
  17. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Who gives a fuck tourist?...many election laws State by State were violated and the ballots were still counted, just as a ballot is also a legal certificate submitted to the State as a legal record....however you'd never have anything to rave and bark about if it weren't for you to be able to selectively cherry pick your talking points.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. shootersa
      If this was the FBI/DOJ issuing subpoenas, those folks would have good reason to be worried.
      But it's only Nancy's star chamber inquisition, so they can politely tell them to go fuck themselves.
      shootersa, Jan 29, 2022
      hannahsbigdaddy likes this.
  18. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    So the Pennsylvania Supreme Court shoots down mail in voting . But the scum bag Democrats will appeal . And probably get it shoved down Pennsylvanians throat before election time
    • Like Like x 1
  19. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Yeah the same mail in voting laws the repukes voted for in 2019. But since it worked against Trump in 2020, now they're against it. Typical repuke hypocrisy.
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. Truthful 1
      Silky All right Trump a letter , see if we can get him to grab you pussy next time he is President, Don’t hold your breath though He seems to I have a liking for those European broads . But we’ll see if he will scratch your itch . Lol lol lol lol lol Meanwhile, Do what you do best get those clothes off girl .
      Truthful 1, Jan 29, 2022
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Thanks for pointing that out. Treasonous conservative/Republicans are not only hurting themselves by killing off their own voters with COVID their attacks on mail in voting will also hurt them because its actually very popular with their voters.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. thinskin

      thinskin, Jan 29, 2022